I then went to have breakfast in the canteen, where a very odd thing happened. I ordered myself a sausage baguette, because i distinctly remember that being the first big thing i ate after my operation. Once i finished, i walked through the door that said "EXIT ONLY", which leads to the exit of the hospital. As i walked through it, something occurred to me; i must have been to that cafe over 20 times, and yet i had never walked through that door. Every other time, i would go back to my bed on the ward. It sounds stupid, but it hit me pretty hard and i dont even know why. It felt strange eating there and then not slowly limping back up to my ward and getting back into bed...this time, instead, i walked out and drove to school. It was bizarre and i dont know why its got to me so much. Don't get me wrong, it was great walking out the EXIT door instead of back to the wards, but it made me realise how long i really was in hospital for, and how accustomed i became to it.
But, like i said, appointment went well and at the moment things are looking up x
I still remember the day I walked out of the hospital 4 years ago, it was such an awesome feeling to finally be free!! x