Sunday, 29 December 2013

How time flies

Tonight, my family and i went out for a curry. We went to the curry house that we went to the night before i was admitted into hospital for my operation. That was only 6 weeks ago. Last time we went there, i got awful tummy pains after the meal and had to stay in the toilet for 15 minutes. This time, i ate in peace and had no issues. I am expecting my stoma to be a bit more active over night after such a big heavy meal, but that i can deal with.

What has hit me a little is that the last time we went was just 6 weeks ago... the amount thats happened in the past 6 weeks is ridiculous. i can't quite process it all to be honest. it feels like its been a year since i was in hospital thinking that i was going to die. and now here i am-smiling, typing away.

I guess the message behind the post is that when you think things are so bad that there is no return, things will get better and most probably faster than you imagine. i honestly thought i was dying in hospital. i didn't want to live. i thought things were going to stay that bad. if someone told me 6 weeks from now i would be where i am now, i would have laughed. so stay strong and think positive; it will get better.

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