Thursday 13 February 2014


I wanted to post this information as a video because of the amount of information i received today-however, google is being an arse and is taking forever. SO, here we go.

For whatever reason, my parents and i both understood, from what we were told in hospital previously, that if my rectum was inflamed then i would not be able to have the operations to remove my bag and id be stuck like this for life. Hence why i've been so worried and annoyed about my still diseased bleeding rectum. However, as we discovered today, the state of my rectum means nothing whatsoever, because in order to do the next operation, they remove the rectum anyway! Healthy diseased whatever, it goes!

So, the next operation would be me having what is known as a 'pouch'. My rectum is removed and the surgeons loop and fold my small intestine round to create a 'make-shift' rectum in place of my old one. This is known as the pouch. It stores the waste like a regular rectum and large bowel would and then when its full it is emptied. To empty, i would simply sit on the toilet and let it out of my back passage like anyone else-with a few major differences haha. The pouch will basically act in the same way my external bag does at the moment. It'll fill up with pastey/liquid waist then need 'emptying' (me to go to the toilet) when its full. Right now though, i can see when my bag is full so i know when to empty it. With the pouch, i won't know. So it'll take time to adapt to it. Yes, there will be a few months at the beginning where i have accidents and stuff, but hopefully ill get used to it.

There is a chance that the pouch just won't work or cause me serious issues. if this happens, it'll be taken out and ill go back to living with a bag.

That is the short version of what i was told. The whole process will take around a year. I'm going to start the process in May 2015 and hopefully finish spring time of 2016. Meaning i will go to university two years late now.

This post is getting long so ill write about how i actually feel about all of this later. This post was purely for the facts. Thanks for reading xx

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